La La La La in Americaaaaaaa!!!
So here I am in the old US of A! gotta admit its hot here. So the last time we spoke, I was in Heathrow after flying from Manchester... I have had to get an additional two flights since then! I flew from Heathrow to LAX on Wednesday morning on Virgin flight VS0007. There was a large selection of films, TV shows, Radio stations and Albums to choose for entertainment on the flight, and I was seated at the window next to a lovely lady who has family situated all over the world... LA, Jamaica, London, Canada etc. Lucky minx. SO anywho, after landing in LAX I stuck my bag on the connecting flight carriage then skipped off down the road, met a nice man who told me the correct bus to catch to get to the next flight and offered to marry me if I was to stay in the country. Very kind if I do say so myself! I then found myself in the departures lounge of terminal 7 and purchased a 'turkey and jack sandwich with mayo' turns out 'jack' is a type of cheese, learn something new everyday! The hoppity skip onto another plane and I was on my way to Sacramento. This was a joyful ride, because it was over and done with in the time that I had read my copy of heat magazine and there was only one air hostess who was the smiliest person in the history of the world, so 'big up' to you love.
I was greeted at Sacramento airport by Seth and Robin, I got my bags then Heather came and got us in the car.
My first meal in the States was in a Mongolian BBQ, not gonna lie, I've had better food. Came back to the house, chose the double bed and slept.
The next day we did buggar all, this was boring.
Yesterday we went to a little place called 'The dollar tree' and stocked up on items such as shampoo and deo for the b.o and as the name suggests EVERYTHINGS A DOLLAR!!!!Robin and I thought this was hilar and bought everything we could see!
We came back to find that Lucy had arrived at the house and wouldn't stop making any noise!!!!!! So Robin and I went out side and played with her, she was so hot she was using her bowl of water as a swimming pool! So we decided to take her out for a walk in the park. By the time we decided to come back, she was so warm she wouldn't walk and we had to carry her like a baby, was so cute.

Lucy has not yet grown into her paws and consistently falls over herself and walks under my feet, such a pain, but shes so cute you have to forgive her!!
Last night we went to a Baseball game!! Sacramento RiverCats where who we were 'suppoting'
They won which was good, but we'll keep it short and sweet because it was boring!
The game wasn't the most interesting thing I've witnessed, but I made loads of new friends there so job is a goodun.
Also I offended some people, lets just say, my subconscious makes me say things that I never normally would say just to piss people off. It is annoying.
We now have myself, Robin, Alex and Naomi who are both from Australia and today we are getting another girl from the airport who is from Russia, how exciting!
See Y'all soon!!
Love from Anna xxx